The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Guild Wars again...

Got some Guild Wars achievements to share with you guys.

Today, I finished getting the full set of 15k armour for my R/Mo, Felina Markshot. Took some screenies with my elite weapons.

<3 Felina.

I've been on the team of GuildWarsHelp for a while now, although quite inactive. That's going to change. I'm now gonna start getting in some content to make up for my share.

Looks like we can get an awesome site going. We've already got some content on the site. Check it out at:

Not much else happening at the moment. Just playing Guild Wars, and getting on with school.

The guys at, Matt and Yug, brought up an interesting point in their post last/this week. About how games have so many acronyms. It's so true.
I was looking at a list of GW acronyms the other day. There were around 100. I'm sure there are more, but that's as many on the list.

Now, I can only imagine if a game like GW, which is about 50x smaller than the World of Warcraft, has 100+ acronyms, how many does WoW have? In the thousands?


Short post today.
/END Transmission


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