The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Social or Anti Social?

I was reading an article the other day... or was I talking to someone? I don't know.
Anyway, the point is, the other day I heard that this person's parents think that he spends too much time on the computer.
Oh! Now I remember. I was reading my friend's blog. Moving on.
Now, he brought up an interesting post. Roy (my friend) said that his parents think that the Internet makes him antisocial, and that the belief that people are fat because they sit on the computer all day is true.
So I'm going to address these two issues.

Firstly, being social mandates the act of socializing. Now, I'd say communication with another person counts as socializing. Where else but the Internet can you socialize with thousands of people?
Okay, perhaps if you were the president, but for the Regular Joe's like you and me, yeah, the Internet is virtually (no pun intended) the only place to do it.
So I ask you, wouldn't that make the Internet possibly the most social place on the planet?

Secondly, it's not that people that sit on computers are fat, it's that people that sit on computers generally don't watch what they eat.
Personally, I eat very little during a day of Internet/Gaming. My focus is all on the goals I am trying to achieve whilst connected to the net, not on food.
These stereotypical "Fat Geeks" just don't watch what they eat. All they have to do is eat healthily, combined with some sort of daily exercise (perhaps walking to and from the computer to the fridge to get a salad roll?)

So it's not the computer's fault, it's the user. The computer isn't forcing a person to eat loads and do very little exercise.

There you go, my rant.
If you want to read more about Roy, you can read the quoted passage here:

And the rest of his blog here:

Enjoy your weekends!


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can directly relate to your friend, Roy, here. My parents have recently swiped the computer from my room and taken it downstairs.
Their resoning was "We don't want you to become a computer nerd" Why the hell not? I'll become what I damn well like, and it isn't your choice to take away my precious internet - I paid for the computer!

Sorry, enough about me. I totally back what you say about is the computer user's fault if they are fat. The PC isn't shoveling McDonald's apple pies down their throats. However, it's up to the user to find the balance between regular exercise and compulsive use of the computer.

Nice blog, by the way. Still working on your puzzel :D


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