The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Overview of the past week's events.

I'll start from Friday.
Last Friday, I got to work a whole 7 hour shift from 5pm to 12am. At first I thought it would be really challenging, however I was soon disproved.
The people I was working with (who I'd never met before) were really nice. Target was getting a major overhaul in the way of shelving and departments and such, so we were moving and unstacking shelves to be moved and re-arranged. Nobody had a problem with helping me out on how to go about doing this.
At 9pm, we had a 45 minute break. Damien, Brendan (two of the guys I was working with) walked up to the food court and grabbed some Big Macs and went back to the staff lounge to eat them.
We soon returned to work. At 11:20, we'd finished all we needed to do for the night, and so we had an extra 40 minutes. We used the time to play some dodgeball around the store, and then watch Madagascar (worst movie ever, but I didn't mind sitting through it again).

Saturday. Saturday was quiet, just spent a lot of time on the net and playing games and such. Saturday evening though, I decided to leave the forum that I loved, called Sal's Realm of Runescape. A lot of the staff there didn't particularly like how I was so opinionated (their anger had built up over the past 14 months or so) and I knew it, so I decided to leave with what dignity I could muster before they banned me. Turned out they banned me anyways, which I consider unneccessary (I'd already left...) but I can live with it.

For the rest of the week I was pretty ill. I managed to drag myself to school yesterday and to work that evening (more re-arranging), but fell sick again this morning (with new ailments, I might add). So I'm just chilling at home.

Oh yeah, that story down there, that's basically a recounting of my life at Sal's, and during the time I played Runescape. A lot has been left out of it. Mostly because I couldn't be bothered writing it in.

WoW is coming soon.


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you are ill? what are the symptoms? i suggest you take some vitamin c, echinachea and camomile if you are wishing to relieve cold and flu symptoms.

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you are ill? what are the symptoms? i suggest you take some vitamin c, echinachea and camomile if you are wishing to relieve cold and flu symptoms.


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