It's not often that I have a good Monday. In fact, I don't think there are many people at all that say they had a good Monday. Why? Monday is the beginning of the working week, a fresh start to the job they hate. Although there are those lucky ones that have the fortune of possessing a job they enjoy. However today I had a good Monday.
So anyway, let's run through my particularly unusual Monday.
First, we started with English. Sure, English is pretty normal. You've got your letters, essays, text response etc etc. However today, English was filled with the excited yet anguished mutters of my scared classmates. "OH NO, HE WAS THE SUBJECT OF A TERRORIST ATTACK!"
I hear you say. No, its okay. We weren't subject to acts of terrorism. Were were in fact getting our immunisation shots. The ones you get every few years to prevent Typhoid, Tetanus and such.
I don't have a problem with needles. On the holidays, I got several needles in preparation for my trip to Thailand. I'm over the fear of it, however my colleagues are not (something which greatly surprised me). A fact which I was able to exploit for my endless delight.
So at 10:15, we got our shots. Before the shots, everybody was crying about how it would hurt, and how painful they are. After the shots, everybody was shouting about how brave they were before. I bled profusely after my needle for some reason, but that's fine because I'm still alive with (most of) my motor functions.
However, I bet you're thinking how this makes Monday good. Well, you'd be right. If it were only this factor that made my Monday, then it wouldn't be so special. Being jabbed with metal isn't a hobby of mine. The good part of this was that I was visibly ahead of the rest of my year in terms of maturity during this activity. Fun fun fun. But wait! There's more...
I started work at 4:40 this afternoon (I was late because of a bunch of mentally disabled people that took too long to get on the bus, thus delaying arrival) with the expectation of the next three hours being as boring as dying of old age. But when I grabbed a cage and headed down to Electrical... well here's an excerpt taken from the archives of my Transcripts of Life Events.
"Hey Brenton"
"Hey, wanna get started?"
You may or may not know this, but every girl I've met at my place of work has shouted something just as vague at me when I've met them. So, another girl.
She's a Jehovah's Witness. She likes snowboarding. She's stylish, down to earth, intellectual and has a great personality.
She's also 17, and has a boyfriend. All pluses but for the last two. Ah well...
Anyway, she's a great girl, really fun to be with. Working with her actually made the expectantly dreadful three hours of labour seem too short a time. We had a lot to talk about, because oddly we have a lot in common (or she's a stalker, but that's just getting into wishful thinking). As I said, she was intellectual.
People that know me (which isn't a lot of people, but I'm betting if you read this blog, then ya do) would know that I love intellectual people. So much so that if I could spend all my time with MENSA, I would, because I think it would just be so interesting. Anyway, I was able to indulge in a long, winding discussion about religion. I consider myself to be a religion buff. I've tried most things that most people haven't. I've been from Paganism (most branches), to Buddhism, so Witchcraft, Wicca, Druidism, Neo-Paganism, and at one stage, very deeply Christian. Therefore, the chance to indulge in a conversation such as this with one other than myself is a rare opportunity that I took full advantage of. It was quite interesting.
Anyway, that is why I enjoyed my unusual Monday.
Unusual because:
- Immunisations
- Talked to a girl for more than 5 minutes without awkward silences
Enjoyable because:
- Every is a big baby bitch
- Talked to a girl for more than 5 minutes without awkward silences, which helped me get through the day.
Days like today make me wonder... perhaps there is hope for humanity after all. Probably not though.
Oh, and I bet you're wondering about the title. It's a reference to her last name (inside joke).
UPDATE: This just in, I win you, forum bitches. I win you and you die rolling.
Seize the day! :D
Get that girl before she goes off. :P
Seems like you had a good monday just keep talking to her and I'm sure you'll get her.
A good monday? Have you gone insane?
1. I hate needles.
2. That girl sounds like a dream. Nice goin.
Come back Jake :O Why do you do this to us :(. And BTW don't be afraid of girlz :P. Had a nice Monday, eh?
~opac :S
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