The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

First week of holidays

w00t! Holidays.

It all started off on Friday, when I finally got World of Warcraft. After a long, long wait, yes, I now possess it. I've joined the bandwagon of fools and brigands that choose to waste their money and their lives on a game of no real-world value. But it's hella fun.
I chose to start myself off as a Troll Priest. Got him to level 10, and abandoned it. Wasn't the class I was looking to get into.
Then I started a Warlock. Warlocks are great fun, and levelling them is easy because you have the help of an equal-level pet (Imp) to overcome enemies.
I then started a Druid, which I've had the most fun with. Tauren are a great race, so I chose them to go as a Druid. My Druid is currently at level 16, speccing feral until 40 or so.
I love the druid because it's such a versatile class. It can be an off-tank with Bear form, a healer with it's Restoration talent tree, or a caster.
I also started a Rogue along with a friend, which we've been levelling together. It's also at level 16, and I'm having wicked fun tearing up WSG with it.
If you play, hit me up on Barthilas, the new Oceanic PvP server, as Ghettosteve, or Krognar.

Tonight I did my first stocktake shift at Target. Holy hell, never have I done something so boring in my life. It's just scanning things, one by one, with an RF gun. At least we were in the sound department, which isn't as bad as the others (loud music going all the time).
I have another shift at 8am tomorrow morning, so I'm going to bed after this post. Gotta be up at 7 to get ready.
At least I'm getting 150% paid for it. Being a Sunday.
As I was walking up to clock on for my shift, a man walked past me. Yes, men often walk past most of you in the street, no doubt. But do they all punch you in the arm? I think not. And if they do, you may want to think about becoming a better person.
Some guy punched me in the arm as I walked past him in the shopping centre. I said to him "What the <<>>?" to which he responded; "Oh sorry, thought you were a friend of mine".
What kind of dumbass walks up to friends in the shopping centre and punches them?

Anyway, I'm gonna grab a chocolate crackle that my sister made and head off to sleep. Hope your Sunday is going to be better than mine.
Later days.


At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I should seriously get WoW... you think a Human Ranger and Night Elf Rogue would start me out good?

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.O You have a sister?
My whole school is fanatic on WoW. One reason why that DOTA tourney was held in the first place. =)


At 5:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, someone punched you. Thats funny. XD

Nice to see youre still alive, you havnt been in novus at all lately. =( Oh, and Ive heard very good things about WoW. My friend played (might still play it, I havnt talked to him in months.. he moved =( ) WoW and was obsessed with it. Just, uhh, don't stay up until 2am every night playing it. He did that. :P


At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time :D I love my Druid it kills all other class's but I can only train it so much before it gets hard :s.

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have any ambitions, druids are getting practically useless at level 60. The priests can heal better, the mage, priest, shaman, hunter and rouge can DPS better, and the warrior can tank better. They are fun to level and all that stuff, but you will be *mark my words* useless at level 60. Just a tip though, play the class you enjoy the most. :)

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still alive then Drok?

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arcane what the hell type of server are you on in my server Druids are one of the most wanted class's in end game guilds in MC on my server half the time the main tank is a druid. Hunters though like you aren't that wanted are they I never hear about guilds that need hunters :P Oh and as for DPS Druids have no +dmg gear thats the only reason if twe had +dmg gear then we could have = dps to those class's. Druids can also acheive armor levels that make most warriors Jelous I've seen Druids that have over 9000 armor face it Druids are great :P


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