The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The problems with World of Warcraft.

I've been playing WoW for two weeks now. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and I love it, but there are some things that really shit me about it. The worst part is that they aren't part of the game mechanics, which means they won't be getting updated or patched later on. It's problems with the people that play it.

I've noticed that there's not a lot of help available for newer players. Something I find really odd is that more people on the older servers (where most people have one or two level 60's) are willing to help out newbies than their are on the new servers.

The problem with the community and instances is that if somebody is even one level higher than an instance, they won't go back to it and help you out. I know a group of people that are levels high enough to give me a hand at an instance where I'd really like a robe drop (Robes of Arugal, best robes I can get at my level) yet they're unwilling to help. The people in question did help me once, but two of them ended up going AFK half way through the run and one left. The other, the priest, stayed to help me. But we didn't get very far.

World PvP
I've heard of some guilds rushing to help out a newbie guild member after being ganked several times while trying to quest. I've heard tales of 40 man raids being held on an area where there was maybe two Pkers that were repeatedly killing one of their members. That's great generousity.
However, on this server, none of this generousity is to be found. A 32 mage and a 29 paladin ganked me five times before leaving the area while I was on my warlock. I asked for some help. The response: Anybody for RFK? and then silence for 20 minutes.

Bokra had a cry today. We were discussing raids in Vent (we're still sorting out a lot of things for the new guild). He doesn't talk to Bigmac a lot, but anybody that has, knows that he has a different way of talking to people, and just the way he talks makes him sound like a total asshole. He really isn't, but you just can't take him literally. Where somebody might say "talk a bit nicer" he might say "just shutup next time". He's a nice guy though.
So Bokra got sulky because he thought Bigmac was being insulting to him. Anybody who had even half a brain cell could tell that Mac was really enthusiastic, and grateful for Bokra's knowledge of end-game (he's pretty experienced). Anyway, then he got pissed, Mac asked him what was wrong, and he said "I don't like your attitude".
I just thought "Shit, what does this 17 year old little bitch think? That everybody should conform to his ideas just because he's done MC before?".
Whatever. Mac explained to him that it's just the way he talks. I think he's over it now.



At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck is "ganking"? Better explanation for the people who don't think that any game is worth throwing 15 USD a month into a collective sinkhole of money please. :P

At 9:07 AM, Blogger stevenseagal said...

You know you would if you could, Diss.

Ganking is being killed by the other faction (Horde being killed by alliance and vice versa).

As with all the great things that MMORPG's have today, it began way back in the days of Ultima Online.

From Wikipedia:
Gank is also used in relation to Player vs. Player games where a group of 2 or more people gang up and kill another player, especially if they have an unfair advantage over the person being killed, and is an abbreviation for Gang Kill. Popularised by the MMORPG Ultima Online, it is now often used in any situation where the person being killed is at a significant disadvantage to the person killing, as in "That jerk just ganked me!". Ganking is usually considered a form of griefing.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Fraff said...

Man Drok... the people in WoW seem like such assholes, they make me not want to get it.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until you're 60, then you can repeatedly slaughter the level 60's. As a lock, you shouldn't have much trouble PvPing.

keep your eyes to the future!

in other news, Hai2u Jake!!

At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Join me on Stormreaver I never get idiots like that I've had level 40s help me through some of the lowest level instances before but yes it does like all MMORPGs have a problem with community but mainly alot of people are nice.

At 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drok...U r on the WRONG SERVER! :P
The ones my class goes to r free of this dipshit.


At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Gold Guide for World of Warcraft said...

good post :)


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