Kids are fucking stupid
This isn't ambiguous as the last rant I had about how retarded most teenagers are.
There's a bunch of kids that I know, which me and some guildies (talking WoW here) have labelled 'Keyboard Warriors' because they just throw insults and talk shit about people over the internet from the safety of their homes, despite the fact they'd obviously get their heads caved in if they met their victims in real life. I'll paint a picture about how absorbed in virtual reality they are.
- They say things like "LOL" and "ROFL" and "Noob" in real life.
I know this because they're always on Ventrilo talking about how "LEET" they are after pking somebody. Like, shit, okay I understand that you may be a good player, but keep your MSN speak to MSN, or at the very least, in chat. Don't say it in real life, you just sound like a dick.
eg: "Lol I pawned that noob with my plus strength plus stam windfury axe crit". I don't mind if you say it in chat, but not in real life.
- If you meet them, you will be judged based on your level.
I was on Vent one morning. One of these Keyboard Warriors was also on. We started chatting, I didn't mind talking civily with him. Then he started his shit. "So what level are you?"
Admittedly, I have only played for two weeks, and I've played various characters. If I'd stuck to one, I'd probably be about level 40 something by now, but I didn't. At the time, I was playing a level 11 warlock.
"Level 11 now"
"Lol noob, serious? You suck learn2play"
Now, what the fuck is that? Yes, I had a level 11 warlock. Yes it's a low level? How does that equate to me sucking? I could've had level 60's on all servers for all he knew, and was just rolling a new one. What a shitcock.
So these idiots don't want to have anything to do with you if you're not level 60 and have full Tier 3 Raid gear.
In our guild, a lot of shit goes on, and a lot of it centres around me. Readers of this blog will know that where I go, usually contraversy surrounds me. It's just who I am. For example, I was about to go on an SFK run with a group, but they took too long to get organised and I estimated that I wouldn't have time to finish the run (because I would have to go to work). So to be fair, I decided to leave the group and allow them to get another member before starting.
One of the group members (who was also a guild member) messaged me in game telling me that if I knew how to summon properly, there would've been time. I then replied with "And maybe if you knew that you need three people to summon you wouldn't be such a complete dumbass".
I was happy to solve his problems in private chat, however this idiot wanted to take it into Guild Chat.
"Oh, real nice munchkin you fucking idiot. You can't summon, how pathetic". (My warlock's name is Munchkin)
Okay, that's not right. One of the primary principles we follow in the guild is that private matters stay private.
"This doesn't need to be in Guild Chat, Bandit" I said. He responded with a lot of swearing and shit-talk. A lot of people told him to shutup and keep it private, but he didn't want to. He finished with this:
"Well, its either me or munchead".
After an overwhelming flood of "lol, munchkin then" in guild chat (I'm not exaggerating, I'm well liked okay? Don't hate me because I'm awesome) he left the guild. This thing happened about 5 times. As far as I could see, I was just weeding the dicks out of our guild.
So one such time, one of our Keyboard Warriors decided to disagree with me. I said on guild chat "I'm so bored that I'm using my Eye of Kilrogg to draw mobs to questing players in this town, heh".
Bokra, the Keyboard Warrior, said (word for word) "Lol serious? You noob you can't draw aggro onto players with the eye".
Now, I don't know if it was bugged or something, but I know for a fact that I was. I said that. He disagreed again, and then another of my friends piped in saying "Well, if he's there and doing it...". He got pissed off (another major factor of these attention whores is that they are always right, and if you tell them otherwise, you should die painfully). He then left the guild.
Later that day, Big Mac, the Guild Leader, came into Vent and told us all he was tired of all the dickheads and fighting and childish bullshit going on in the guild, that he was making a new one, and inviting a select few of the good people (including me). He also said that Bokra, Apog, and Dayla were coming. Now, Dayla I don't mind, he's pretty funny and he doesn't really talk shit. Apog is exactly the same as Bokra though. If you tell him he's wrong, he gets pissed off. Remember the person I told you about who judges based on level? Apog is the greatest perpetrator of this observation.
So, okay, I decided that if Bokra, Apog and I were to be in the new guild together, to make it as good as Mac wanted, I would try and make up with them. I didn't want any conflict, I just wanted a good guild that could help me through the game and everything else people join guilds for.
So me and Apog make up somewhat. And so do me and Bokra. Everything is sweet until tonight.
We're all on Vent together (about 13 of us, all planning on joining the new guild) laughing and getting along and whatever. Bokra all of a sudden says "OMG" (yes, Oh em gee) "I just saw a Worg, looks so much like Munchkin". I don't know where the fuck that came from, but okay I can take it. After all, I thought, he might just be having a joke.
It was followed by a round of "LOL's" from his asskissing Keyboard Warrior friends. Whatever, I'll keep playing.
Then he continues with "I never knew a dog could look dumb". That was it. Fuck, I can take it if somebody insults my physical image (don't you think if I cared about that, I wouldn't spend so much time at my PC), but insulting my intelligence is another thing. Obviously he doesn't know me very well. Another thing that pisses me off about the comment is about how stupid it is. You've never seen a dog look dumb? Well how about a dog that looks smart, or maybe a dog that looks like rainbows? Fucking idiot.
I was seriously willing to let it go, and continue not caring at all about who Bokra is or what he's doing. But as it stands, I may just leave the guild if it happens again. It's just unprovoked childish bullshit, and I don't have to take it, because it's ruining my game experience. I don't pay $20 a month to listen to an insecure dolt talk shit about people.
On a slightly more positive note, I've made a total of coming up on $1000, which for a poor bastard like myself is quite impressive (although I know some rich kids that make this in a week by sitting around doing nothing).

The new guild is called Vicarious, and if you roll on the Barthilas server, come and join.
- Munchkin
Orc Warlock (Level 23)
~french people were discoverd smuggling moon cheese
If you become a keyboard warrior, that is a sign you should step outside for once in your life.
If you become a keyboard warrior, that is a sign you should step outside for once in your life.
lawl n00bz0rz u nly lvl 11 ahahahahahahahahahaha lololollol 0lololo u n00b lern2N0tSUCK!!!!ahahahaha
Yea though thankfully that normally doesn't happen in WoW I don't see it much anyway I guess you just got unlucky .
The WoW community doesn't sound much better than the RS one. From what you've said it seems a little too intense.
I like the laid back nature of Kingdom of Loathing. <3
Apog here your a fucking nerd eat a salad pig lol
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