Class, today we'll be discussing Full Metal Alchemist.

Lately, I've been watching episodes of an anime called Full Metal Alchemist. It's japanese, but kindly been dubbed into English.
I've been watching it off which is a damn handy site. Lots of cool content.
So, Full Metal Alchemist follows the lives of Edward and Alphonse Elrich, brothers who deal in Alchemy. Alchemy involves the act of "transmutation" by harnessing the energy of existance, and controlling it via circles and arrays of symbols, to change something into something else. However, there's a catch in the form of the law called Equivalent Exchange. It means in order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost. Also, the object you're transmuting must contain similar elements (phosphate, iron etc elements, not the primitive Earth, Air, Fire and Water) to the object you want to transmute it into.
There's quite a bit of science involved in the show, but lots of action and plot so as to keep it rolling. There are few series' that captivate it's audience from episode one to the end, and Full Metal Alchemist is one of them.
Other than that, just school's going on. I'm actually really struggling with Maths. It worries me, frankly. Although with the help of my friends I'm making it through. Josh is being really helpful, helping me out with the formulas and stuff, not just telling me the answers. So I'm actually learning. I want to do well at Maths, I just don't seem to have an aptitude for it like I do problem solving. I can usually see the big picture, but sometimes my problem is finding the little one.
My report wasn't as good as usual. Two below averages, this time they weren't in PE (as usual) but in academic subjects, like Commerce and English. I only got a below average in English because I handed in an assignment late. I'm pretty good at English (being modest) as you may have noticed from my articulation, but just meeting deadlines... isn't something I'm great at. I tend to play by my time.
Commerce I'm not too worried about. I got a below average in that because our group got an E on an assignment, 'cos the teacher didn't like my idea about a theme park based on WW2.
Normally, one assignment wouldn't have much impact, but because we only had a six week term, there were less projects that accounted for a higher percentage of the overall.
Got a debate coming up tomorrow. I'm pretty proficient at arguing (having two little sisters enhances the skills) so I think I'll do alright. I'm 3rd speaker, so I just have to note what the opposition is saying, and make it sounds like they're talking shit.
~Here's to you, Mrs Robinson.
Cool! Good luck tomorrow Jake! :)
nice jake nice,
ms allen can be a bitch
i know what you mean about having two sisters, i have 3
the lanky 8 foot tall man himself,
xD Jake. You can practise debating with me if ya want.
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