Stupid parents, not stupid game manufacturers.
Another one of these newstories about "Kid plays game and re-enacts crime in real life". This time, it's about Grand Theft: Auto. But instead of being about cutting old ladies up with a chainsaw on the sidewalk, or dealing drugs from an Ice Cream Van, this is about an actual Grant Theft Auto, carried out by an eight year old kid.
In a city called Modesto (wherever the hell that is), an eight year old child took the keys of his teacher's van, and drove home.
So, first of all, why the hell is an eight year old playing GTA?

Notice the "M" for Mature down in the left corner? Yeah... clearly, the parents did not.
I'm so damn sick of these stupid people buying their kids games that they clearly aren't suitable for. Did I play M15+ games before I was 15? Hell yeah. However, my parents only allowed me to play them because they knew I was psychologically and emotionally mature enough, and responsible enough, not to buy a goddamn super laser from eBay and go hosing down people on the streets.
Sometimes, I even played Doom 64 (ah, the good old days) with my Dad. That's fine. But if you're going to leave your eight year old child playing a game rated suitable for people twice his age for hours, then you don't deserve children.
As a result, the child was suspended from school. You can find the story here:
I recently read an interesting article written by an employee at Microsoft. Some might think it's an interesting piece of PR, but I think it's a good read. Either way, check it out:
Working at Microsoft
3 day week!
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