Scuse me religion pwnt pl0x
Yes, again some fools decide it is wise to do something derogatory to inflame arabic religious people.
KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) -- A suicide attacker detonated a bomb at a prayer service in southern Pakistan Tuesday, police said, killing at least 41 people including the top leadership of an influential Sunni Muslim religious group.
Really cool, attacking priests. Haven't they been put under enough pressure after the child-molestation charges, but now you have to light them on fire?
I think we've all had the temptation to torch our local minister and end his preachings, but we never really did anything about it (and if you did, stay away from my house).
The prophet Mohammed is a major thing in Muslim religion. He is the most powerful and praised prophet of them all. So much so, that he is not allowed to be depicted using imagery, so he can't be drawn at all (hence the controversy/outrage/embassy bombings about the cartoons posted in The Jutlands Post in Denmark a while ago).
41 people died, not including the bomber(s). The incident is being blamed on extremist shiite muslims.
Personally, I think they're just angry they got a crappy name for their religion, so they're taking it out on other Muslim groups. How would you like being called a Shiite Muslim?
On a happier note, two good friends of mine combined their talent to make a signature that I think deserves mention.

They're both very talented with digital art, and I wish the best to them in the future.
<3 Kess and Seymyster.
Hokay, so. Naruto.
Pretty popular anime series. I've decided to begin watching it (after completing the Fullmetal Alchemist series, which I also recommend to everybody I meet... on the street... in the heat...)
Hard to explain, it's basically about a boy who has a Nine-tailed fox demon sealed inside his body, and because of that, his village shuns him, which leads him to a goal of becoming "Hokage" (or the number one ninja in the village) so that his village people will acknowledge him.
Pretty interesting. It's all english subbed, but it's good.
I thought I'd take a moment to share with you a small fraction of the wisdom that the boys at Penny-Arcade employ in their comic-strip writing.
They call it GIFT, or Gabe's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

As you can see, it details how people on the Internet, but more accurately on Internet multiplayer games, suck.
A person who is normally a run of the mill alright guy in real life turns into a hideous creature that contains vulgarity and arrogance in biblical proportions.
I'd also like to say that Harlan Ellison is a cranky old bastard, and I hope he rots in the ground for his stereotypes and gibes at and of teenagers and Jerry Holkins. Fucker.
That's all there is for today. Thanks for reading.
~years of work and nothing to show
Jake. :)
I don't disagree with your post on religion. However, I think you should ask Sultan on Slams what Shi'hite and Sunni muslims are. :)
The cartoon is funny. However, I'm a regular run-of the mill girl and I ain't like that. :)
~ Kronian
Yeh, speak the truth!!!
I laugh when I read your blogs, why aren't there more people like you
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