The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Everybody is shallow but me.

Sounds arrogant doesn't it? But its applicable, albeit on a less extreme scale.

So, had my "Social" (semi-formal party held by the school) tonight. Let me tell you something of my experience with "Socials".

Aside from being the bane of my existence, school dances suck in general. It's a place for hatred to fester, malicious thought to occur, and extreme judgment to be dealt based on shallow, emphatic beliefs about appearance. It's also a place of dreams. And by dreams, I mean delusions.

Remember "Screamer"? Well, he's taken on a new position as what I like to call a Photo Pimp.
You could also call him a Photo Broker (for reason I will explain) but I think Pimp sounds more derogatory, so we'll go with that.
Basically what he'd do is brag about how he could get anybody photos alongside anybody, male, female, dressed or otherwise. He'd "pimp" out people to others for the cost of humiliation of being seen in a photo with that person. You could say he brokers deals for photos, which is where Photo Broker comes into it, but for reasons stated above, its pimp.
Another reason why I use the term pimp is because he had some Photo Hoes to offer, in the way of another of my friends. Amazing how desperate people can be. Whatever, like I said, everybody's shallow but me.

If you go to one of these dances, you're guaranteed to get your ass handed to you in what I affectionately refer to as "the mosh pit" (actually a 3x3 varnished pine dance floor on one side of the room). It's a place you go to dance, bathe in sweat, become sexually violated, and then drown in the odors of your fellow primates. Sounds exciting? Not in the slightest. It's a bit like having sex with Chewbacca really. Sweaty, hairy and violent. I guess some people just like it that way.

I spent my time tying balloons to every part of my body that I could (in between shirt buttons, ears, fingers, wrists, feet etc) and became known as "The Balloon Man" for the first hour. Then I just gnawed them all off and released some into the sky (much to the dismay of a nearby biology student, who cried "Don't do that, it might kill a dolphin somewhere!" to which I replied "It probably deserves it").

I then spent the rest of my time either pretending to enjoy the mosh pit (and being raped by Chewbacca), texting a girl I know, WiFi sniffing with my PSP, and talking to my IT teacher (the barkeep) about how half the year has me to thank for broken toes (not my fault, I swear). Also pretending to laugh at the bunch of dolts that were inhaling helium. Guess they don't realise that gases foreign to the body can kill them. Oh well, it'll probably make the world a better place (it was funny for the first fifteen times, then it just got old).

Nobody wore bras, every girl got fake-tanned (thus brown and orange was the main theme of the party), and it was all very slutty.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, this is just a gem of the evening. So I was chatting about how this is a waste of time and I'd rather be "socialising" (which is the purpose of a Social, is it not?) on #novus, than being with a bunch of awkward people I cared little about, and Screamer tells me that I'm not grown up enough to enjoy this kind of thing. If you met this guy (actual gender a question to everyone) you'd know that partying like this isn't like him, but he'd make it seem like he's the life of the party every weekend. People that try to be something they aren't isn't something I condone, in fact its something I spit on. So I'm not grown up enough to enjoy a party.
What Screamer fails to understand is that going to parties isn't a part of growing up (his lack of understanding, no surprise. Thick as a cinderblock). Parties are an experience, one that people may or may not choose to partake in. If I choose to be doing something that he isn't, does that make me not grown up? Am I a fucking child for making my own decisions instead of being a glory-whore and going to parties because my peers do? I think not. If your mentality is similar to his (if you're not doing what I'm doing, then you should be doing what I'm doing) then you need to FORM YOUR OWN FUCKING OPINION. If you don't, you're really just ruining the world, so GTFO.

Anyway, "Mafiosa" and a couple others were alright at the party. At least they weren't being total shitcocks about the fact I didn't want to be there.

I was on live radio with Tony Martin and Scod from Tripod on Wednesday. They were talking about nerds, and wanted people to ring in and nominate someone, so I thought "Why not?".
Rang in and nominated myself, for being able to quote most of The Matrix and Lord of the Rings without assistance. It was a fun experience. Thinking of doing it more often.

That's a nice summary of my night, I think I'll leave it there. Have a good weekend.

PS: Phog, contact me on MSN.

~ don't try to resist the paradigm shift


At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kickass article, as almost always. I hate school balls too, as much as I hate dancing altogether except on special occasion, the last of which was New Year's Day in 2000 and the next of which will be either my wedding or my funeral.

"FORM YOUR OWN FUCKING OPINION" - pure Bible there. And think of the dolphins! Killing them with balloons makes them unedible. :(

At 1:21 AM, Blogger Fraff said...

Reading this makes me never want to go to a dance.

Someone remind me never to get raped by Chewbacca.

At 4:17 AM, Blogger Man said...

Seriously though, some poor animals might think those balloons were fish and choke on them. :(

"Also pretending to laugh at the bunch of dolts that were inhaling helium. Guess they don't realise that gases foreign to the body can kill them."

Lol idiots. I hope they weren't inhaling it straight from the machine though. Were they? :o

Oh and do you still happen to have the "Say no to honors" banner?

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, school dances. Short for one-of-the-many-ways-that-schools-use-to-try-to-rape-students'-wallets.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

=S *puke*
Cheap. I'd not sell my body off like that.
Blergh... Fake tans... blergh.
--Kron (a girl!)

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Jonathan Liu said...

Yeah, fake tans definitely suck.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Man said...

Yeah, the color guard teacher at my school got one and his skin turned orange for like a week. :( He died his hair orange to match. :D


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