Overview of the past week's events.
Evening, True Believers,
No doubt that whatever country you live in, you've heard about the riots at Cronulla, Sydney. Okay, I've pretty much heard enough about it, so let me give you the run down.
Basically, some lebs had been harrassing the community of Cronulla for the past few years, so last weekend a mob of drunks took to the streets against the lebs. After this, the lebs responded by getting 500 of them to run down streets in Cronulla and smashing everything in their path. Following that, 100 police were put on the streets, which was increased a day later to 450 police, which was increased last night to 1500 police. They mean business.
Fuck these lebanese australians. Look, I'm not a racist person, however this isn't about race. This is about what the bloody ignorant lebs are being taught during their upbringing, that leads to them disrespecting this country and it's inhabitants. Lebanese children are being brought up to believe that Australia is some sort of "Go-Between", and that they will all return to Lebanon one day when the warring is over. So this leads to leb mentality being "Who cares what we do to this country, we're all going back to Lebanon soon, so whatever". Guess what asshole? Unless you do something about it personally, you're never going back to Lebanon. The fighting isn't gonna stop because in your fantasy fairy land it has. Deal with it, and in the mean time, learn some respect. Bitch.
Itching for my new pc so I can get down to some gaming. At the moment, all I have on my laptop is Guild Wars, Season 4 of Futurama, and Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire (movies).
So... my tether is wearing thin. Lately I've developed a bizarre intolerance for people that talke "txt tlk" (buy a vowel?). I can't stand people that talk to me on MSN/IRC/Forums that talk this modified English that makes them look retarded. "hai2u (Note: No caps, Abbreviation, misspelling. You're going to jail). wuu2 (retard language for "What are you up to?")i wontd 2 no if u wr doin nethin 2nite.(Misspelling, no caps, substitution of letters for numbers, abbreviation. What the hell is wrong with you people?).
Seriously, this new "Gen X" language just pisses me right off. If you want to send me an email with the intention of thoroughly annoying me, send it in "txt tlk".
Usually my response to these is something along the lines of "If I ever meet you in real life, remind me to
Or just something along the lines of "Congratulations, you're an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere" followed by a long winding explanation of why the person is completely dislexic and how my mind is boggled at the continuation of their body to function.
As you can see, I'm angry. No school == No outlet of anger. I could write this in a If statement.
if{school == true} then
{findFault == angerOutlet} else,
{callpeoplenamesacrossthenet == true};
Red vs Blue just keeps getting more dull. A while ago, it was interesting. The storylines were elaborate enough to seem dynamic. However, now it's just "Stand around, talk about stuff that could've been scripted by a five year old". Eugh...
I think I've got a link to replace Google News. www.bash.org has provided me with some amount of hilarity that could only be possibly felt at ages 14-25 (30 if you were dropped on your head as a child).
If you haven't been keeping up with Penny-Arcade lately, I suggest you go and bury your head in a sandbox, cover your body with kerosene, and get a loved one to light you on fire.
Penny-Arcade is perhaps the greatest thing I have ever read. Have I mentioned Jerry Holkins to be my idol? Seriously... there's God... but then there's Jerry Holkins. And I don't even believe in God, so I guess that leaves on logical conclusion.
Anyway, there ya go. Nice juicy post for you. Although from the amount of Comments I get, I doubt anybody cares. Believe me when I say the feeling is mutual.