The Student's Opinion

The Student teaches.

Friday, February 03, 2006

New Virus

I try to post here as much as possible.

Anyway, we have a new virus on the loose. Here's a copy of the email our school techs sent us: (Note, these guys are moronic)

I would like to bring to your attention a new e-mail worm commonly known as KAMA SUTRA that spreads under the guise of pornographic content and has jumped to the top of the worldwide virus charts.

When run on a Windows PC, the worm copies itself to shared network locations and sends itself to e-mail addresses found on the target computer. The pest includes a timed attack that attempts to disable antivirus and firewall software and delete certain files, including Office documents, on the third day of the month.

The worm, dubbed W32/Nyxem-E or KAMA SUTRA, arrives attached to an e-mail message. It uses a variety of subject lines, including "School girl fantasies gone bad." The body text also varies, but it can include references to the Kama Sutra, the ancient Sanskrit book with pictures and explanations about different sexual positions. The worm executes when the user opens the attachment.

This worm feeds on people's willingness to receive salacious content on their desktop computer so please don't be fooled by this email. Remember the golden rule:- IF IN DOUBT, DELETE !!!!!!!

So there, for all those uninformed.
Now I get to send emails to all my friends following careful details that are outlined in this email to scare the piss out of them.

So the last week wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, nothing really important has happened in the news for me to speak about (eg Cronulla beach). However, in one of our classes, we were debating whether it was morally right to employ 12-year-old Peruvian children in order to increase profit over employing Australians and making a smaller profit.
Generally, the ideal of an organisation is to make the highest annual profit/turnover possible. So that means doing anything you can.
However, as human beings, when should our conscience kick in and say "Hey! You may be making mega bucks, but this is wrong!"
Well, perhaps it isn't.

If Australian business owners are employing 12 year old Peruvians, they're giving them opportunities. A lot of peruvian families are impoverished, so paying them is helping to support their families, right? Right. However, I think $4 a month is a bit lean.
So to meet a happy medium, I think we should be paying them the Australian minimum wage (at least, which is about as much as part-time teens make in AUS anyway) per hour.
While this could create problems for the Peruvian economy etc etc, we're not going into that now.
So, send me your input.

If you've been away from Penny-Arcade, get back to it. It gets better daily.
In relevant news, Ctrl Alt Delete Online have released their first animated episode. For "premium subscriber".
So we can rule CAD out of the webcomic equation. They're commercialising. Tim, I admired your work for many years, but now you're just being a fool by selling your stuff. Clearly, you will become more dedicated to the Animated series, as it makes you money. Good luck with the future.

Penny Arcade almost did the same (or so I thought at first). When I read Gabe's section of the newspost, I thought they were also selling-out. However, later in the passage I realised he was joking, and my respect for him rose higher (if possible).
Love Jerry and Mike.

Not much else happening. Got promoted to Tech Support on a forum, so now I'm basically a mod, but with less privileges. I'm waiting to see when two of our number bring down our group from the inside in their power-bids. Grab some popcorn.


Monday, January 30, 2006

School year

PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill...

Yes, I'd say ill indeed. School starts tomorrow. I leave behind freedom, joy, and many good memories.
However, there is one upside to school. This year, we begin VCE. I've elected to study IT Units 1 & 2, so we get to learn a whole new range of stuff (although I probably already know most of it, as has been the case for IT the previous three years).

If anyone has read Xanadu by Kublai Kahn, they'd know just how good it is. Xandadu would have to be my favourite piece of poetry at the moment.
That's right, the gamer geek likes poetry. I also like Art, Tennis, and writing.

So yeah, another school year begins. Wish me luck.